Wildlife conservation refers to the scientific management of wildlife through effective use and monitoring of biological resources and land resources to sustain and restore wild animals and their habitats. The concept behind this is to improve the quality of the environment and reduce pressure on wild lands. The greater part of wildlife conservation involves managing landscapes, improving the quality of air, water, and food to support healthy animal populations. There are many principles that govern wildlife conservation including biological diversity, sustainability, protection, human habitat, and reintroduction. Many countries and international organizations support such conservation.
Biological Diversity refers to the biological makeup of a species, including genetic differences between closely related species. A balance must be maintained among biodiversity in order for the ecological system to function correctly. This includes differences in size, composition, and environment and habitat among species. When natural habitats are protected, wildlife conservation efforts help prevent extinction of species and help to increase genetic variation and sustainability of species within natural habitats. See page to get a more detailed report concerning this topic.
Sustainability refers to maintaining a level of productivity for the environment and for wild animals and plants. This is done through a variety of methods, including plant and crop conservation, protection of natural habitats, harvesting of wild animals and plants, and use of animal meat and milk. Protection of natural habitats means preventing conversion of such land to non-native vegetation and shrubbery. This helps to conserve different wildlife species by reducing the chances of them becoming extinct or losing their habitat to development and climate change.
Human habitat refers to people and the culture they bring with them that influence wildlife conservation. Savannas, lakes, parks and National Parks, etc., are important habitats for different wildlife and plant species. Invasive species, which are introduced from other parts of the world, threaten or endanger the native wildlife populations. In order to conserve wildlife and plant species, people are given the responsibility to act in defense and promote cooperation among different stakeholders.
Wildlife conservation requires a lot of commitment on the part of individuals, organizations, government and local communities. They work hand in hand with each other and form partnerships to preserve the biodiversity of different areas. These partnerships focus on three major threats to wildlife conservation, which include habitat loss, invasive species, and climate change. These threats pose serious threats to conservation globally and are expected to increase in the coming years. Click here to find additional reading on this subject matter.
There are many ways to contribute to the conservation of wild species and habitat. People can join conservation organizations, create their own breeding grounds, become involved in projects for endangered species conservation, and follow the example of other people by becoming involved in various voluntary organizations working towards preserving the integrity of different ecosystems and wild life habitats around the globe. However, conservation requires financial support from different stakeholders and individuals, so one has to take up a proactive approach in order to save the most threatened species and the natural habitats that they co-exist with. It is very important to protect the environment from being destroyed by destruction and pollution.
Check out this link: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildlife for a more and better understanding of this topic.